The company VITRANS d.o.o. was selected in the public tender for: Establishment or upgrade of electronic business in the company in the period 2019–2022 “E-BUSINESS 2019–2022”.
Financial support: The amount of the grant received for the purpose of the operation is € 29,995.00.
In the company VITRANS d.o.o. we implemented five different measures within the project, which strengthened our operations and promotion in foreign markets and facilitated the communication with our customers and partners.
The implemented measures are:
The project aims to improve the possibility of entering global value chains and new markets, increase the international competitiveness of our business, improve and accelerate interaction with business partners abroad, transmit and collect information more efficiently and improve the relationships throughout the supply chain.
The expected result is the increase in international competitiveness.
The operation will run until August 2022.
You can read more about European Fund projects on
Public tender for the selection of operations is partly funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The public tender for the selection of operations is implemented within the framework of the “Operational Programme for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014–2020”, priority axis “Increasing the international competitiveness of SMEs”; investment priority “Development and implementation of new business models for SMEs, in particular in relation to internationalisation”; specific objective “Increasing the international competitiveness of SMEs”.
“The investment is co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.”
The company VITRANS d.o.o. was selected in the public tender for: Establishment or upgrade of electronic business in the company in the period 2019–2022 “E-BUSINESS 2019–2022”
The purpose of the project is to strengthen competencies in the field of digital business and industry 4.0
As part of the training, the contractor trained the contracting authority in the following areas:
The project aims to improve the possibility of entering global value chains and new markets, increase the international competitiveness of our business, improve and accelerate interaction with business partners abroad, transmit and collect information more efficiently and improve the relationships throughout the supply chain.
The expected result is the increase in international competitiveness.
The operation will run until August 2022.
Financial support: The amount of the grant received for the purpose of the operation is € 29,995.00.
You can read more about European Fund projects on
The public tender for the selection of operations is implemented within the framework of the “Operational Programme for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014–2020”, priority axis “Increasing the international competitiveness of SMEs”; investment priority “Development and implementation of new business models for SMEs, in particular in relation to internationalisation”; specific objective “Increasing the international competitiveness of SMEs”.